Saturday, May 29, 2010


I played tricks on myself this morning: I wasn't sure that I wanted to do forty minutes on the rowing machine, so I promised myself that I could (if I so chose) do thirty minutes of erg and then fifteen on the stationary bicycle. When I got close to thirty minutes, I started setting smaller goals - get past x metres, get past y metres, sprint for a minute, etc. Besides, when you've done thirty minutes already, ten doesn't feel like much at all.

...I did some time on a stationary bike anyway, but nothing major.

The rowing machine is my favourite machine for zoning out. On the elliptical I get distracted by my feet going numb, on the bicycle I read, and on the treadmill I just want to curl up and die already... but on the erg there's nothing to do but establish a rhythm and stare off into space (Well. Or get a crick in my neck trying to see the television screens in the gym, and whatever's on is rarely worth it). I'm not always sure, when I leave, what thoughts went through my mind, but I know that I feel grounded.

(Speaking of grounded: I dreamed that I could fly! I'd never had a flight dream before.)

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