Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blackmailing myself into stretching

Three miles this morning... it was definitely one of those days when I didn't want to run, which is one of the reasons that I'm grateful to be following a schedule. Although I'm probably harder on myself than any schedule that I could find to follow (again with the "I don't do moderation well" and "Rest days? What are you talking about?"), there are sometimes those days when you just don't. want. to. run.

I haven't lived here for long, so I'm learning my neighbourhood by running it: I use googlemaps to plot my routes, and then... well, then I try not to get too lost. Because I don't always know the areas I end up running through, it's a mixed bag: sometimes I run through the sort of classic, historic parts of town; sometimes I run through areas that I probably wouldn't want to walk through carrying a purse. I recently figured out just how easy it is to run downtown - under four miles (on Sunday I ran downtown, ran around the Common to make it an even four, and took the subway home. My roommate was very amused by this).

Today's run was one of my bread-and-butter runs, though, a loop around the neighbourhood (mostly because I plan my runs the night before, and last night I was too tired to bother coming up with something new). It's pretty flat, pretty basic, the weather was cool and dry -

- and, yikes, everything hurt. My shoulder (which is normal; I never remember to stretch), my back, my chest, my knee...

So, note to self: stretch before running tomorrow! Stretch, self, or we will run hill sprints again!

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