Sunday, May 16, 2010

And thus a runner was born

It's my sister's fault, really.

Okay, that's not fair: I started running because I was going insane from lack of exercise (wait - that's not fair either - I was going insane, and lack of exercise wasn't helping). Hey, I thought, why not run? Running would definitely be cheaper than the gym.

Running was horrible. Shin pain. Asthma. Boredom.

I joined the gym.

But then my sister called from Vancouver, all chipper. Had I heard of this couch-to-5k program? No? Well, she was trying it.

What the heck, I thought. I can do that.

I'd love to be able to say "and thus a runner was born" (hence the title of this post), but I don't think I'm a runner yet. I'm not sure what the difference is between a runner and somebody who runs, but for the moment I think I fall in the latter category. Yes, I run. Talk to me in a month or so, when I've run my first 5k: maybe I'll be a runner then.

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