Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A shameful thing indeed

So... I bought a running skirt.

I don't actually understand the point of a running skirt. I mean, it's effectively a skort - a skirt on top of bike shorts. There's no good reason to wear it instead of a normal pair of shorts, and (up until the point in the dressing room when I decided that I was going to buy said running skirt) I used to scorn the very idea.

Except - well, the other options were hot pants or cotton or cotton hot pants. Considering that I have a bit of a chafing problem going on 'round the backs of my thighs right now (no thanks to sweat, I think, and compounded by time spent in running shorts on machines at the gym), cotton and hot pants are both BAD IDEAS - not that I'd ever wear hot pants in the first place, but that's not the point. Point is, my options basically came down to running skirt or try another store.

And the running skirt was comfortable. And kind of cute. And I figured that the bike shorts part of it might help with the chafing problem.

So... I ran in a running skirt today! I don't think it made much of a difference one way or another, but hey, it functioned, right? And I'm more (mentally) comfortable in it than I would be in just bike shorts, so that's something, too.

Moral of the story: Don't judge it until you've tried it.

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