Thursday, June 10, 2010

Proof that I have lost my mind

My gym offers "group fitness classes", and for the last couple of months I've been looking at the schedule and going, "Oh, that looks interesting", or "I should try that one", or "next week I'll go to a class!"

...and then I never went. A combination of factors: bad timing, bad memory, fear of making a fool of myself.

But! The schedule of classes was revised a few weeks ago, and now there's a dance fitness class. It's only offered in June, so if I was going to take advantage of it I had to actually go. Like, now. Not later.

So on Tuesday I went for my rather boring run in the morning (made more interesting by my almost running into a police officer), went home, took a shower, did some work, ate some food... and went off to the gym in the evening.

To be honest, it wasn't the most inspiring of classes. It was fun, and I can see how much I've improved (when I first started dancing in college, it took me ages to get down the simplest choreography. On Tuesday, all I had to do was glare at my feet to make them cooperate). There were only a few other people there, though, and though the speed was perfect for my ability to learn steps, it wasn't great for working up a sweat.

This morning, though, I finally got around to going to a spin class. This is, again, something that I've been meaning to do. The only thing stopping me has been that the class is at 6:15 in the morning (who wants to get up at 5:45?), but I actually woke up before my alarm went, and - hey! Spinning is fun! It was an hour-long class, and while the second fifteen minutes hurt like nobody's business (and I think next time I need to remember to bring a water bottle), it was well worth getting up at the crack of dawn. The instructor was really nice, the music was good, my legs are sore, and I sweated like crazy.

Maybe this'll inspire me to try out other classes - Zumba, perhaps, or (horrors!) even yoga.

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