Must work on that last bit.
I saw pictures from the 5K, which is pretty exciting - not that I'm willing to pay the exorbitant amounts of money that they charge for prints or digital copies, but I like having proof (well, proof beyond the racing bib) that I ran a race.
On the subject of racing, I've re-thought my original plan to run an August half-marathon. In the first place, I can't find a local one that suits my timing (I rely on public transportation, so... I'm limited in terms of location!); in the second place, August seems like it might be a rather hellishly hot time to run more than 13 miles; in the third place, I want more prep time anyway. So... now I'm eyeing the BAA's half-marathon in October. Registration's not open yet, but - well, that's the current plan. I'm trying to remind myself that there's no hurry and that I don't want to spoil the enjoyment by doing too much, too fast.
Otherwise... not much of interest. Spin class yesterday (definitely, definitely need to make a point to eat more next Wednesday; the class kicked my butt because I had no energy), four and a half miles this morning... beach this weekend?
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