Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And all before 9 AM

I woke up in a decidedly pissy mood this morning - no good reason; I think it was just that my dreams have ended their (unprecedented) mild streak and gone back to being on crack all the time - and decided that my run should end at the gym (I used to say that tea cured all ill. Now I say the same thing about ergs). That was easy enough to plot out, so... away on a run I went.

It was a three-mile run, and for a while I did the whole try-to-think-profound-thoughts-but-really-hum-middle-school-choir-songs thing (Sadly, I am not kidding. I get stuck on songs that I sang when I was 12. Also, hymns. I've been thinking about tweaking the lyrics somewhat... "I know this rose will open" could be "I know this run will end"...). And then - miracle of miracles - I realised that, two miles into my run, I was no longer cranky. Instead, I was definitely in a "la-la-la isn't this day PRETTY" state of mind.

Nice to know that that can happen.

I did the time on the erg anyway, of course, since I've been neglecting it of late. The day was salvaged! And all before 9 AM.

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