Stiflingly hot. Muggily hot. Soul-suckingly hot.
My run this morning was supposed to be five miles, but I cut it down to three when I realised that I'd started sweating before I even made it outside (I couldn't even be bothered to castigate myself for this, so I think it was a pretty good decision).
Thankfully, it should be a lot cooler over the next few days, but... I'm taking tomorrow's run to the gym, I think. I don't love treadmills, but I do love air conditioning.
Side note: I am wearing a Cookie Monster t-shirt today, and I've gotten more comments on it than I have on any other article of clothing that I've worn in the last, oh, six months or so. Kind of funny to think that that's the case, especially given that a) I picked it up at Goodwill because I needed more exercise-happy shirts and b) I've never watched Sesame Street.
It seems to be making other people happy, though, so I'll be content with that.